No this isn't a cool punk/metal show, but more of a basic screw-up. I ended up with a Mastodon ticket and a Damned ticket for the same night. I leaned more toward wanting to see the Damned but headed to the 9:30 to try and sell the ticket to the sold out Mastodon show. No luck, but I noticed the times were all early for the three bands and the doors were opening at 6:30. Walking by the Black Cat, they hadn't opened the doors at 5 minutes to 8:00 (Eight was the intended time), so I figured the Damned wouldn't be on until 11:00 with their two openers, so why not head back to the 9:30 and do both shows? So that's the plan!
Kylesa - I got there just in time for the middle band's set. Kylesa started with a decent but nearly cliched metal cut and then quickly moved into better territory. Very much like the headliner, being based in strong metal sound, but exploring more territory than most. So a set that made me happy as well as the progressive metalhead fans of Mastodon.
Mastodon - I just had to look up some details to see what five sold out shows in Copenhagen meant for this band. The venue can hold 10,000 people! What? Oh, further research shows that a band called Metallica is also playing. Alright, this band isn't quite that big, but good powerful songs, regular touring, no nonsense non-stop playing, and good buzz may get them in Metallica's neighborhood some day. But they are big enough now, catch them while you can. I left after about an hour-ten to catch my other show.
The Damned - Arriving at the Black Cat at about 10:35, I wasn't sure what I missed. A couple minutes later, the lights dimmed and the Damned hit the stage. Hmm, where's Vanian? I heard he missed some Europe or Far East shows with some family illness or something. Ah, here he comes right on cue to hit his vocal cue on "Love Song". It's just him and Captain Sensible with three newer guys on Bass/Drums/Keys. So the rightful focus is on Machine Gun Etiquette which provided six songs tonight by my count. First two albums supplied four and few other

mid-period "hits". They covered Love's "Alone Again or" which they have recorded and makes I believe the fourth band I've seen do this (Love, UFO, and someone earlier this year I've forgotten). Sensible was in fine comedic and engaging form and the band was very good. Quite a bit better since the last time I saw them in early 1982. That had me thinking... 27 years between sightings? I think that exceeds or ties my record with Blue Oyster Cult which was about 26 or 27. I'll see if I can come up with something else. Vanian did his usual crooning and was in fine form still. Band was good, a bit apart at the seems at times, but this is the Damned. Nothing bad and the wreckless abandon is part of the charm and success. A good crowd was having a very good time. Most were like me, visiting old friends from many years ago. A great show where Sensible commented that they should get back here again soon. So in the battle between classy, slick prog-metal and classic punk, I have to go with my heart and stay Damned to eternity.
Quote of the Night - Captain Sensible was trying to recall a riot twenty years ago. "I was doing nothing, just standing on stage and a riot breaks out". pauses to listen to guy in front row. "This man has a story to tell, ladies and gentlemen, meet Malcolm McClaren!".