Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lost in the Trees - Poor Moon -- Black Cat - Apr 14 2012

Poor Moon - From the first notes, this band could be spiritual brothers of the headliner, even if being from Seattle makes them about as distant from them as possible still being in the continental USA. But there are of course many unique individual differences as the 41 minute set moves forward. This is smooth music, especially in the vocal harmonies with intriguing psychedelic touches emanating from the steady dose of folk rock. Although there is a modern feel, they often invoke the isolated sixties vibe that Ferdinando/Howell did in their music (as Ithaca, Agincourt, etc.). I think no more than two of my readers would likely know of who I am talking about, so I will add the link along with my favorite song of theirs, "When I Awoke", although there are other songs that are more indicative of the sound tonight. Basically, there are more songs that invoke the freedom of the sixties and the swinging London and SF scene than even the more cliched 60s songs are capable. And I really feel that tonight. But that is a longer discussion for an essay some time. Poor Moon basically put together older and newer patterns into a lovely set and are a band I would gladly pay to see again.
Lost in the Trees - I have enjoyed this band a couple of times and was not surprised that they sold out the backstage at the Black Cat. I was a bit surprised and disappointed that the Black Cat did not move the show upstairs. In fact, they had the Backstage bar open for the first time in the hundred times I have been there. Fine and well, but that forced the merch on to a table taking away valuable space. There was also a film before the show and things started a bit late--not too late by even my standards (first band at 9:20). But it affected the soundmen as they were struggling getting set up, perhaps with a less than proper soundcheck. So after a 40 minute delay where I was left with feeling crowded along with my usual pains and the addition of a bloody foot from the day before (my sock was bloodied up ala Curt Schilling, although I did not receive quite the same accolades for that, as his sock is in the baseball Hall of Fame. Maybe Cleveland's... Nah). Anyway, this fine band finally got it's chance and the sound was not particularly good with only the violin and vocals cutting above a murky stew. Things sharpened up well enough later on as the drums along with alternating tuba and bass provided the backing to intriguing strings, guitar and more. This is a fine band that has nearly the creativity in their songs as that of the Decemberists, Iron & Wine, or Munly (a big favorite of mine). They keep things positive for the most part and are well worth a look if you have not explored their music yet. Unfortunately, the crowd and my physical issues had me leaving early tonight which is good as I did not want to see if they did their usual go into the crowd and sing an un-mic'ed song from the middle of the crowd. That also would have worked better upstairs, rather than having everyone elbow each other to make way.

Quote of the Night: From the opener... "I don't think I've ever sweat this much on tour, so if you get bored with the music, you can pay attention to my sheen. It gives you something else to root for."

1 comment:

  1. You know what, I actually agree with your thesis. Although compared to your comment, it is nearly Shakespearean in stature. Well maybe more like John Fowles.


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