Saturday, July 4, 2015

Exit Vehicles - Tone - Rom -- Rock'n'Roll Hotel - Jul 3 2015

Rom -The first of three local bands, all of which I have seen before and all of which are well worth seeing again. Rom is a trio that subtly move from fine indie rock with power pop moves into a more full throated punk power pop offshoot. They did a great job of tracking their set to increase the intensity and power and get the audience more and more revved up with each song. They put a few new songs into the set including a cool instrumental that sounded like a lost Buzzcocks track sans vocal. The closer was particularly fiery without losing the melody and really grabbed the crowd by the throat. Fine, fine, and then some.

Tone - This quintet of instrumentalists showcasing three guitars atop a rhythm section is a far better testament to DC music than what is going on tonight at RFK. The band started off with their controlled intensity that will immediately take you into the worlds of Mogwai and Kinski. But they have their own style that is so commanding as their second cut showed brilliantly. Ferocious yet warm, the overall pounding was punctuated with subtle guitar moves that seemingly form from the etherworld. You simply can not go wrong with the unrelenting power and musical craft of Tone.

Exit Vehicles - Ah yes, the band with the singer and drummer book-ended by twins. Exit Vehicles casts a memorable look on stage and has the musical chops to back it up. Tone is a tough act to follow, but with a new album in hand, this band is ready to showcase it on the stage at the Rock'n'Roll Hotel. They are up for the task for as soon as the soundman gets it together by the second song, the band's playful yet strong alternative rock meets power pop moves comes full force. There often is a playful rhythm section with guitar moves that go from powerful crunching chords to more snappier runs. It is coming together nicely tonight with the clarity of the vocals cutting through the thicker sounds. This set rounded off a great night of local music. I was happy I celebrated the colors and the noise tonight rather than tomorrow where I will be sitting with my cat to ensure the excessive colors and noise does not bother him. Rock music is a never ending 365 days a year celebration.

Video of the night: Hieronymus Bosch's brilliant painting 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' has an amazing amount of detail within, including some musical notation on a torture victim's bum. An enterprising pianist recorded this hellish melody.

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