Shokker - Kind of a young hair metal band (although two of them didn't have the hair) but the style was toward the higher end of the hair bands, at least what little I know of what I've been force fed over the years. Good set with traded leads, double leads and reasonable music. They seemed young and get bonus points from me for supporting the other bands and no visible tattoos (scratch that, the shirtless bassist turned around and has one on his back). I'm not totally against tattoos, just cliches.

Valient Thorr - Smoking hot metal hard rock. They still remind me of the MC5 doing metal. Strong, rocking and avoiding cliches. Crowd grew in size, although not as big a crowd as I expected (ended up under 100 easily). Still, the crowd dug it and the band kicked in big time. Great band for people wanting it heavy but want to avoid straight metal or even straight punk for that matter.
Quote of the Night 0f V.T.'s front man "How about the news about Spector? Killing a woman and producing the Ramones, eh?" He then went into his confusion of Arlen and Phil which I had done earlier with a friend on the phone when he asked me about (Arlen) Spector and I answered about (Phil) Spector. I guess my ultimate answer is that everybody has gotten what they deserve with all Spectors.